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Serving the community one crumb at a time [HD]

Kimber Westphall
Serving the community one crumb at a time [HD]

J Stephen Sadler has baked thousands of crumb cakes each one hand crafted as if a piece of art.

“We really want to provide an experience,” said Sadler, Owner of Crumbzz. “Not just a dessert or cake.”

When it comes to Crumbzz’s crumb cakes Sadler spares no expense.

“In order to make the best, you not only need to utilize the best baking methods, but you also have to find the finest ingredients,” said Sadler.

Sadler ventured out on an international quest to find the finest ingredients to create his Austrian family’s 400-year-old crumb cake recipe. From Tanzania to Saigon, he may have discovered the best of the best.

“I wanted to have not only the finest cake, but I thought it warranted the finest packaging,” said Sadler.

With the final product nestled in fine tissue and stamped with a wax seal, Crumbzz crumb cakes are ready to be enjoyed by clients. Although the Ambassador Hotel in Dallas is no longer open to the public, Sadler is busy in its kitchen baking the cakes. A chef and an entrepreneur, his new business is creating job opportunities for Dallas residents.

“You make money and that’s great but the real key is what do you do with the money once you make it,” said Sadler. He formed the Crumb International Green Foundation where 3% of Crumbzz’s profits are donated.

“And that company funds companies and providers around the world so that workers can get fair trade and fair salaries,” said Sadler.

In addition to purchasing Crumbzz crumb cakes online, a Tasting Pavilion has opened in Forney, Texas. Customers can not only taste the handcrafted treasures, but also experience the Crumbzz’s vision firsthand.

Watch the video in HD above produced by DFW Reporting  – the only news team in Texas that only reports on positive news!

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Kimber Westphall

This story was reported by: Kimber Westphall (19 Videos)

Kimber Westphall is a journalist with the Midwest gal charm. She grew up in Wichita, Kansas where she honed her journalism skills from an early age, always on a quest for that breaking story. When attending the University of Kansas, Kimber put her design skills to the test, spending many late nights in the newsroom as The Universtiy Daily Kansan’s Design Chief. Kimber was a member of the KUJH-TV news staff, both in front of and behind the camera. She started out as a stage manager and audio operator, eventually being promoted to Host and Web Producer of Jayhawks Sports Talk. Through out her Journalistic endeavors, Kimber completed freelance assignments for The Wichita Business Journal and Splurge! Magazine; both Wichita, KS publications. Then, Kimber was offered an assignment she couldn’t pass up. This assignment involved her passport as she traveled on an international press conference to London, representing Adjourn Magazine, based out of Los Angeles. Kimber now works for an advertising agency in Dallas, TX in the Creative Department. Kimber’s main focus is on designing print and web materials. When she is not hitting hard advertising deadlines, she is teaching fitness classes at LA Fitness. In conjunction with teaching five days a week, Kimber recently completed the Washington D.C. Marathon. Kimber is documenting all her fitness adventures, from flying trapeze lessons to Zumba classes on her column, “Blogging Fitness with Kimberly Westphall” on the site midwestsportsfans.com.


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