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New salad dressing is big hit with customers [HD]

New salad dressing is big hit with customers [HD]

Dritan Saliovski, the owner of Luigi’s Pizza Pasta, has bottled up his family’s decade old American dream, and has followed in their footsteps.

“I grew up in the restaurant, literally,” said Dritan Saliovski. “My bed for many nights when I was young was bags of flour, plywood, and some sheets.”

The pizza has gotten rave reviews.

“The nicest compliment I’ve heard about the pizza, believe it or not, I’ve heard it more than once that it’s better than the pizza I grew up with in New York,” said Saliovski.

Long time customer, Allison Borchardt, couldn’t agree more.

“Their pizza is amazing,” said customer Allison Borchardt. “It’s the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.”

The pizza is said to be better than some of the country’s best but i’ts the salad dressing that’s putting Saliovski on the map.

“People started asking for cups of it,” said Saliovski. “Then people started asking for gallons of it.”

It’s a secret family recipe named after his Uncle Moni, and Saliovski says there’s nothing like it on the market.

“In a sense that as was Caesar dressing and Ranch it will become the new category that other brands will eventually start carrying a tomato vinaigrette house dressing and ours was obviously original,” said Saliovski.

The dressing is so good that many customers don’t just put it on their salad.

“It’s drinkable,” said customer Nicole Clark. “It’s like a wine. A fine wine.”

Moni’s salad dressing can be found on the shelves of such stores as Whole Foods and Costco.

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This story was reported by: Alison McDaniel (1 Videos)


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