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One of a parent’s worst fears is having their child taken from them. Kevin and Kristin Schor of Lewisville, Texas had this nightmare become a reality when their sixteen year old son Trevor Schor was killed by another driver who was drunk who hit his car in a hit and run in December 2007. In an effort to impede drunk driving occurrences in the future the Schor family has teamed up with Mother’s Against Drunk Driving or MADD to create public service announcements encouraging motorists not to drink and drive. The PSA’s have featured the Schor’s son as well as other individuals who have been killed in drunk driving accidents.

“MADD was very instrumental and walked us through how to use them as a resource,” said Trevor’s mother Kristin Schor.

Although it never gets easier coping with the death of their son the Schor’s focus on how they can make a positive impact while also preserving his memory. Wrist bands have been created in honor of him and two years later community members still wear the bands.

“I can still go to the mall and see a kid with one of these on,” said Kristin Schor. “That’s really neat. I’ll go up to them and thank them.”

Trevor Schor was on track to graduate from Hebron High School in Carrollton, Texas in the spring of 2009. It was important to his parents that he graduate even though he would not be able to walk across the stage. School administration officials arranged for a good friend of the Schor’s who is also in the car the night of the deadly accident to accept the diploma on Schor’s behalf.

“That was really tough,” said Trevor Schor’s father Kevin Schor.

The Schor family finds a sense of peace in memories of photos of their son and brother. One comfort is a plaque they received in the mail one month following his untimely death. Trevor Schor had the plaque created for his parents as a special thank you.

“It takes you back a moment to realize he’s not coming back,” said Kristin Schor.

Hebron High School dedicated a piece of land to Trevor Schor as a celebration of his life and memorial. His family places a wreath there each birthday.

“It brought our family closer together and when you say goodbye, I love you and be careful it has more meaning now,” said Kristin Schor.

While the Schor family lost their son in a terrible tragedy they find solace in knowing they’re making a difference in sharing their son’s story.

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Kimber Westphall

This story was reported by: Kimber Westphall (19 Videos)

Kimber Westphall is a journalist with the Midwest gal charm. She grew up in Wichita, Kansas where she honed her journalism skills from an early age, always on a quest for that breaking story. When attending the University of Kansas, Kimber put her design skills to the test, spending many late nights in the newsroom as The Universtiy Daily Kansan’s Design Chief. Kimber was a member of the KUJH-TV news staff, both in front of and behind the camera. She started out as a stage manager and audio operator, eventually being promoted to Host and Web Producer of Jayhawks Sports Talk. Through out her Journalistic endeavors, Kimber completed freelance assignments for The Wichita Business Journal and Splurge! Magazine; both Wichita, KS publications. Then, Kimber was offered an assignment she couldn’t pass up. This assignment involved her passport as she traveled on an international press conference to London, representing Adjourn Magazine, based out of Los Angeles. Kimber now works for an advertising agency in Dallas, TX in the Creative Department. Kimber’s main focus is on designing print and web materials. When she is not hitting hard advertising deadlines, she is teaching fitness classes at LA Fitness. In conjunction with teaching five days a week, Kimber recently completed the Washington D.C. Marathon. Kimber is documenting all her fitness adventures, from flying trapeze lessons to Zumba classes on her column, “Blogging Fitness with Kimberly Westphall” on the site midwestsportsfans.com.


One Response to “Family turns tragedy into raising awareness [HD]”

  1. Kristin Schor Says:

    Wow! What a beautiful job you all did. You encompassed so much in such a powerful and compassionate way. I am so honored that you choose Trevor’s story. His story will hopefully continue to impact people for a long time. I am going to post it on FB and Twitter. Thank you for an incredible story told in such a powerful way.
    God Bless,
    Kristin and Kevin

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